What Harvey means for future storms across the nation; Op Ed By orrin H. Pilkey

Astronaut Randy Bresnik took this photo of Tropical Storm Harvey from the International Space Station on Aug. 28 at 1:27 p.m. CDT. Captions and photo source: NASA


Forewarning about the path and future disastrous evolution of Hurricane Harvey proved to be quite accurate. Hurricane Harvey may be an example of the long-predicted intensification of storms resulting from the warming of the seas.

As in every storm I’ve watched (always from afar), local residents are quoted as saying they are not leaving because they’ve already experienced hurricanes. What Harvey tells us is that experience in past storms is not useful because each hurricane is unique and dramatically different from others. Certainly Harvey is different, not only because it has hung around for days but also because a major city is in the center of the chaos and destruction.

Lessons, however, have been learned from past storms…

Read Full Article; The News & Observer (08-30-2017)

It’s a fact: climate change made Hurricane Harvey more deadly; Guardian UK (08-28-2017)

As the climate warms, we are ‘primed’ for worse storms than Sandy; Science Daily (10-06-2016)
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Hurricane Matthew’s Destructive Storm Surges Hint at New Normal; National Geographic (11-10-2016)
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Sea-Level Rise Poses Hard Choice for Two Neighborhoods: Rebuild or Retreat? Take Part (04-25-2015)

‘Repetitive Loss’ Properties Raise Debate Over Rebuilding After Floods; Hartford Courant (10-13-2015)

How rising seas and coastal storms drowned the U.S. flood insurance program; Yale E360 (04-19-2017)
Sea level rise and more severe storms are overwhelming U.S. coastal communities, causing billions of dollars in damage and essentially bankrupting the federal flood insurance program. Yet rebuilding continues, despite warnings that far more properties will soon be underwater…

After Hurricane Sandy, One Man Tries To Stop The Reconstruction, Outside Magazine (10-09-2013)
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Sea Level Rise Will Reshape U.S. Population In All 50 States; Yale E360 (04-19-2017)
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