New EU Rules ‘Fail’ Against Shipbreaking Dangers

Shipbreaking, Gadani beach, Pakistan. Photo source: ©© Michael Foley Photography


Hundreds of European vessels are scrapped under hazardous conditions in South Asia every year. European parliamentarians have approved a new regulation to tackle the problem – but critics say it will have very limited impact.

The European Parliament’s Environment Committee voted last in favour of a proposal aiming to put an end to European ships being recklessly scrapped in developing countries…

Read Full Article, IPS News

Chittagong Beach Ship Breaking Yards, Bangladesh, Guardian UK (Uploaded 05-05-2012)
Stretched along 12 miles of what just a decade ago was a pristine sandy beach, ore carriers, container ships, gas tankers, cruise liners and cargo ships of every size and description are being dismantled by hand in 140 similar yards, at Chittagong beach Ship Breaking Yard, Bangladesh, the world’s second largest ship breaking area. Every year more than 250 redundant ships, many from Britain and Europe, come here to be broken up.


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