The Magic Dolphin:
A Young Human’s Guide to Beaches, Sea Level Rise and Living with the SeaA book by by Charles O. Pilkey with Orrin H. Pilkey
Illustrations © 2018 by Charles O. Pilkey.By Author and Illustrator Charles O. Pilkey, and Consultant Orrin H. Pilkey

Charles O. Pilkey is a former geologist turned freelance artist, writer and illustrator. The inspiration for The Magic Dolphin, came from a childhood memory of a day when he and his father found a pilot whale washed ashore on a Sapelo beach. With the help of friends, they set the animal free. Although the Magic Dolphin is a work of fiction, the events described in the book are scientifically and/or historically accurate. Orrin H. Pilkey is the James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of Geology at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. He has visited beaches on all seven continents and has written a number of books about the future of beaches in an age of rising seas.Book available now on: AMAZON.COM
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