Medupi Sand Mining Put To An End
Compliance notices have been issued against sand miners in Lephalale, South Africa. Their operations must now stop or they will face legal action.
Health and Environment: A Closer Look at Plastics
Plastics have transformed modern society, providing attractive benefits but also befouling waterways and aquifers, depleting petroleum supplies and disrupting human health.
Massive Melting of Andes glaciers
Glaciers in the tropical Andes have shrunk by 30-50% since the 1970s, according to a study.
Scientists Underestimated Potential for Tohoku Earthquake: Now What?
The massive Tohoku, Japan, earthquake in 2011 and Sumatra-Andaman superquake in 2004 stunned scientists because neither region was thought to be capable of producing a megathrust earthquake with a magnitude exceeding ̴ 8.4.