Indian Ocean Nations To Carry Out UN-Organized Tsunami Readiness Test

Ten years after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, 24 countries in the region will participate in an exercise organized by the United Nations to test their readiness to address such rare but potentially destructive events.
US Sailors Prepare For Legal Challenge Over Fukushima Radiation

On 25 August, a district court judge in San Diego will decide whether 110 US navy sailors and marines, can proceed with a $1bn lawsuit that accuses Tepco of failing to avoid the accident and of lying about radiation levels that have caused health problems to themselves and their families stationed in Japan.
Japan Volcanic Isle May Collapse And Create Tsunami: Study

An erupting volcanic island that is expanding off Japan could trigger a tsunami if its freshly-formed lava slopes collapse into the sea, scientists said.
Minor Tsunami Hits Northeastern Japan After Strong Quake

A minor tsunami hit Miyagi prefecture in Japan early Saturday after a strong 6.8-magnitude quake jolted the country’s northeastern Pacific coast, prompting advisories for regions including around the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.
Fukushima Accident Still Ongoing After Three Years: Q&A

It has been three years since the nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan. But the consequences are still ongoing due to continuous leaks of radioactivity into the environment, says independent nuclear energy consultant Mycle Schneider. It’s an unprecedented event in complexity, in size and in consequences.
Fukushima Operator Struggles To Build Ice Wall To Contain Radioactive Water

The operator of Japan’s battered Fukushima nuclear power plant has said it is having trouble with the early stages of an ice wall being built under broken reactors to contain radioactive water.
Moderate Quakes Hit Near Japan’s Fukushima

Two moderate earthquakes struck off Japan’s eastern coast near Fukushima early Monday, but officials said there was no immediate risk to the stricken power plant.
Three years after Japan tsunami, suspected debris arrive on Washington shores

Three years after an undersea earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan, the disaster’s aftermath is still being felt in ways large and small, far and wide. On a beach in southern Washington, approximately 4,500 miles across the Pacific Ocean, debris that may be from the tsunami is washing ashore.
How Rising Seas Could Sink Nuclear Plants On The East Coast

After the 2011 Japan tsunami disaster, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ordered nuclear facilities in the U.S. to review and update their plans for addressing extreme seismic activity and potential flooding from other events, such as sea level rise and storm surges. Those plans aren’t due until March 2015…