Contribution of relative sea-level rise to historical hurricane flooding in New York City

Almost a year after Hurricane Sandy, parts of New York and New Jersey are still recovering from billions of dollars in flood damage. Tufts University geologist Andrew Kemp sees the possibility of damage from storms smaller than Sandy in the future.
After Hurricane Sandy, One Man Tries To Stop The Reconstruction

Geologist Orrin Pilkey predicted exactly what a storm like Sandy would do to the mid-Atlantic coast and New York City. On a tour of destruction after the deluge, he and David Gessner ponder a troubling question: Why are people rebuilding, as if all this isn’t going to happen again?
The Most Striking Visualizations To Date of Hurricane Sandy, revealed

Scientists have recently developed striking visualizations of Hurricane Sandy, which devastated parts of the U.S. East Coast last year. The visualizations, created using state-of-the-art computer models at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), provide some of the most detailed looks at any hurricane to date.
After the Storms, a Different Opinion On Climate Change

Extreme weather may lead people to think more seriously about climate change, according to new research, published in Psychological Science.
The Beach Builders, Can the Jersey Shore be saved?

New Yorker staff writer John Seabrook discusses the effort to protect New Jersey’s beaches in an age of superstorms like last year’s Hurricane Sandy.
Hurricane Sandy Eroded Half of Fire Island’s Beaches and Dunes: New Report Quantifies Coastal Change

Beaches and dunes on Fire Island, New York, lost more than half of their pre-storm volume during Hurricane Sandy, leaving the area more vulnerable to future storms.
Task Force: More And Worse Floods Are Coming, So Prepare

A presidential task force charged with developing a strategy for rebuilding areas damaged by Superstorm Sandy has issued a report recommending 69 policy initiatives…
Hurricane Sandy Raised Risk Awareness in Eastern Cuba

Nine months after Hurricane Sandy, the worst disaster to hit this city in eastern Cuban in decades, local residents say they are now better prepared for catastrophes. According to the authorities, every new building must take into account the risk of hurricanes and earthquakes.
Flood Insurance Costs May Soar For Hardest-Hit Sandy Victims

Like thousands of others in the hardest-hit coastal stretches of New Jersey and New York, George K. has almost finished repairing flood damage to his waterfront home, but his Superstorm Sandy nightmare is far from over…