Alluvial Fan in Kazakhstan

Mountain streams are usually confined to narrow channels and tend to transport sizable amounts of gravel, sand, clay, and silt, material that geologists call alluvium.

Aged Black Carbon In Marine Sediments, A Study

The study offers the first detailed analysis of how black carbon gets into deep ocean sediments, as well as an accounting of the types and amounts of black carbon found in those sediments.

Sand Wars Come To New England Coast

Sand is becoming New England coastal dwellers’ most coveted and controversial commodity as they try to fortify beaches against rising seas and severe erosion caused by violent storms.

Scientist Finds ‘Hawaiian Beach’ Sand On Mars

Earlier this month, Morrison, a geology student at University of Arizona, member of the science team on NASA’s Curiosity rover currently exploring Mars, co-authored two scientific publications in the journal Science, reporting the first scientific results and detailed analyses of individual mineral compositions in the Martian surface.

Overcoming Barriers

A year ago, Hurricane Sandy swept away skepticism about the use of sand dunes. But those big, protective mounds are no excuse for complacency.


Sand is a common material found on beaches, deserts, stream banks and other landscapes worldwide. In the mind of most people, sand is a white or tan, fine-grained, granular material. However, sand is much more diverse…

France Fracking Ban Upheld

France’s constitutional council rejected on Friday a challenge to a law banning hydraulic fracturing for exploration and production of the country’s shale gas and oil.