The Conservation Crisis No One Is Talking About

Beaches around the world are disappearing. No, the cause isn’t sea-level rise, at least not this time. It’s a little-known but enormous industry called sand mining, which every year sucks up billions of tons of sand from beaches, ocean floors, and rivers to make everything from concrete to microchips to toothpaste.

Land reclamation project starts in Monaco

Work has begun on the maritime infrastructure that will constitute the first phase of the six-hectare land reclamation project. The total value of the maritime infrastructure works is approximately €1 billion.

Sand War in Bay of Lannion, Brittany, France

Following yesterday’s rally against Lannion’s Bay ongoing shell sand extraction, activists from the environmental group “Peuple Des Dunes” and local officials, are to meet with the french Environment Minister Segolene Royal, to request the suspension of the controversial dredging concession granted to CAN Industry, whose current practices have been deemed questionable.