The Ship Breakers

After their useful life is over, more than 90 percent of the world’s ocean-going container ships end up on the shores of India, Pakistan, Indonesia, or Bangladesh, where labor is cheap, demand for steel is high, and environmental regulations are lax.

Trucking Mud to the Beaches Means More Sand but Dirtier Waters, CA

When Santa Barbara County dumps tons of mud from the catastrophic debris flow of January 9 on the shores of Goleta and Carpinteria, this wasn’t like anything that’s happened before. So residents are asking, “Will there be long-term effects? Might there be other locations that can share the impacts..?”

Can the World Find Solutions to the Nitrogen Pollution Crisis?

More and more nitrogen keeps pouring into waterways, unleashing algal blooms and creating dead zones. To prevent the problem from worsening, scientists warn, the world must drastically cut back on synthetic fertilizers and double the efficiency of the nitrogen used on farms.

Sewage spill closes eight Monterey beaches, CA

A massive sewage spill at the Monterey One Water wastewater treatment facility early Saturday morning has closed eight beaches. Approximately 4.9 million gallons of sewage spilled from the wastewater treatment facility.