The end of the world’s most famous beaches – II ; By Orrin H. Pilkey and J. Andrew G. Cooper

In celebration of Coastal Care’s 10 Year Anniversary, we are republishing an acclaimed selection of the most popular Beach Of the Month contributions of the decade.
What Harvey means for future storms across the nation; Op Ed By orrin H. Pilkey

Forewarning about the path and future disastrous evolution of Hurricane Harvey proved to be quite accurate. Hurricane Harvey may be an example of the long-predicted intensification of storms resulting from the warming of the seas.
Orrin H. Pilkey: Heading over the coastal cliff in North Carolina; Op Ed

In the December 16 issue of Science, an insightful article about sea-level rise argues that there is a good possibility that the increase will exceed six feet by 2100.
Top 5 Threats To The World’s Beaches (And A Systemic Solution)

Professors Orrin Pilkey and Andrew Cooper are writing what promises to be an outstanding book. In The Last Beach (to be published this summer by Duke University Press), they describe the top five threats to beaches around the world. Even a quick overview of these threats suggests a strategy for confronting the degradation and loss of beaches.
A Guide to Understanding Mathematical Models Used to Predict Beach Behavior, For Those Who Had a Hard Time With Algebra

Many of you may have read environmental impact statements or engineering design documents or have attended public hearings about plans to engineer beaches. You suspect that the plan is flawed but you find yourself up against a brick wall in the form of a mathematical model. You are not the only one…
Denying Sea-Level Rise: How 100 Centimeters Divided The State of North Carolina

On the surface, it looks like America is a place where scientists and scientific achievements are held in high regard. However, just below the surface, there is another America. This America is populated by people who, on economic, political or religious grounds, have chosen to reject the consensus of the global scientific community on various topics. By Alexander Glass and Orrin Pilkey.
We Need to Retreat From the Beach

As ocean waters warm, the Northeast is likely to face more Sandy-like storms. And as sea levels continue to rise, the surges of these future storms will be higher and even more deadly. We can’t stop these powerful storms. But we can reduce the deaths and damage they cause… An Op Ed by Orrin H. Pilkey.
Response To Patrick Michaels Editorial

Patrick Michaels is a long time (and very effective) denier of the importance of global climate change. He provides the ammunition for those who are predisposed to ignoring Mother Earth’s realities…
Inside Climate Change and Our World’s Beaches with Dr. Orrin Pilkey

There is a vivid and glorious history of writing about the environment, ecology and the world around us… The fact is that these books continue to be important not only for armchair scientists but for the rest of us to contemplate our place in this tense, fragile world. Dr. Orrin H. Pilkey offers two decidedly different takes on the genre in his latest works…