Man-Made English Saltmarshes Are Failing To Meet European Plant Standards

Man-made English salt marshes are failing to meet European conservation regulations that stipulate they should be as rich in plant life as natural wetlands, a new study warned.
Recreational Fishing Causes Cape Cod Salt Marsh Die-Off

Recreational fishing is a major contributor to the rapid decline of important salt marshes along Cape Cod because it strips top predators out of the ecosystem, according to new research by Brown University ecologists.
Marshes Hold Clues of Ancient Hurricanes

Friday marks the beginning of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season. Cue the groans, the crossed fingers and the hope that mad rushes for plywood and batteries will wait for another year. Many of you are probably wondering what’s the chance that you will get hit this year.
Prehistoric Trash Heaps Created Florida Everglades’ Tree Islands

For many years, scientists thought the fixed tree islands, larger, teardrop-shaped kinds of tree islands often found in the main channel of the Everglades, rose from protrusions from the rocky layer of the mineral carbonate that lies beneath the marsh. Now, researchers suggest these islands might actually have developed from ancient (organic) garbage mounds left behind from human settlements about 5,000 years ago.
Many Coastal Wetlands Likely to Disappear this Century

Many coastal wetlands worldwide, including several on the U.S. Atlantic coast, may be more sensitive than previously thought to sea-level rise projections for the 21st century.