Smooth handfish extinction marks a sad milestone

For the first time the IUCN Red List has officially declared a marine fish alive in modern times to be extinct.
How global regulators are selling out the world’s largest tuna

Detachment from life at sea is ingrained and widespread. To consent to the treatment of fish as nothing more than commodities is a stark example of speciesism, which assumes that humans — and especially the most privileged among us — are the center of the universe.
Scientists tackle starfish plagues on endangered Great Barrier Reef

Crown-of-thorns starfish are the second biggest threat to the already endangered Great Barrier Reef — the world’s largest coral reef system, right behind tropical cyclones. Over the past decades, they have attacked the reefs in waves of outbreaks.
New Zealand blue whale distribution patterns tied to ocean conditions, prey availability

The researchers who recently discovered a population of blue whales in New Zealand are learning more about the links between the whales, their prey and ocean conditions that are changing as the planet warms.
Authorities seize record 26 tons of illegal shark fins in Hong Kong

Customs officials in Hong Kong have seized 26 tons of shark fins from an estimated 38,500 sharks classified as vulnerable and protected species — the biggest shipment ever to be intercepted in the region. This recent shipment, which came from Ecuador, is valued at $1.1 million.
Rays, sharks, and dolphins enjoy new freedom as humans retreat from the oceans

The sightings of rays, sharks, and dolphins are welcome and have been particularly noticeable along the Emirati coastline in recent weeks, as wildlife is taking the opportunity to fill abandoned spaces.
Wild animals enjoy freedom of a quieter world

Coronavirus lockdowns globally have given parts of the natural world a rare opportunity to experience life with hardly any humans around.
Sea turtles thriving in Thailand after beach closures

Wildlife around the world is enjoying the lack of human activity due to global lockdowns, and sea turtles in Thailand are part of the trend. Some Thai beaches have seen the largest number of turtle nests in two decades.
Jellyfish seen swimming in Venice’s canals

Spotting a beautiful jellyfish serenely swimming through near-transparent waters in the canals of Venice would’ve been an unthinkable sight just a few weeks ago, but the global standstill created by coronavirus has now made it possible.