California sea lion population rebounded to new highs

California sea lions have fully rebounded under the protection of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, with their population on the West Coast reaching carrying capacity in 2008 before unusually warm ocean conditions reduced their numbers, according to the first comprehensive population assessment of the species.
Drones confirm importance of Costa Rican waters for sea turtles

A new drone-enabled population survey – the first ever on sea turtles – shows that larger-than-anticipated numbers of turtles aggregate in waters off Costa Rica’s Ostional National Wildlife Refuge, making it one of the most important nesting beaches in the world. Scientists estimate turtle densities may reach up to 2,086 animals per square kilometer.
Rising temperatures turning major sea turtle population female

Scientists have used a new research approach to show that warming temperatures are turning one of the world’s largest sea turtle colonies almost entirely female, running the risk that the colony cannot sustain itself in coming decades, newly published research concludes.
Already on Brink, Right Whales Are Pushed Closer to the Edge

North Atlantic right whales are one of the world’s most critically endangered large whales. For a few decades, the math for North Atlantic right whales seemed to be working out, and the whales appeared to be experiencing a tentative recovery. But beginning in 2010, the tiny gains in their numbers began eroding.
Marine turtles dying after becoming entangled in plastic rubbish

Hundreds of marine turtles die every year after becoming entangled in rubbish in the oceans and on beaches, including plastic ‘six pack’ holders and discarded fishing gear.
Can Data Save Dolphins? How Scientists Are Using NASA Data to Study Link Between Solar Storms and Animal Beachings

The age-old mystery of why otherwise healthy dolphins, whales and porpoises get stranded along coasts worldwide deepens: New research suggests space weather is not the primary cause of animal beachings — but the research continues. The collaboration is now seeking others to join their search for the factors that send ocean mammals off course, in the hopes of perhaps one day predicting strandings before they happen.
Soul-crushing’ video of starving polar bear exposes climate crisis, experts say

Video footage captured in Canada’s Arctic has offered a devastating look at the impact climate change is having on polar bears in the region…
Protect Whales and Other Marine Mammals from Big Oil: NRDC

“Not a single marine mammal has gone extinct in U.S. waters since the Marine Mammal Protection Act was enacted 45 years ago. But all this could quickly change if Congress votes to gut this critical Act.” A call for action by NRDC.
Hundreds of Sea Turtles Found Dead

As many as 300 to 400 dead sea turtles were found off the coast of El Salvador in Jiquilisco Bay late last month.