Coral Miles Away Still Show Effects Years After BP Oil Spill

Four years after a BP oil rig exploded and flooded the Gulf of Mexico with an estimated 170 million gallons of oil, scientists have discovered further evidence of coral communities affected by this environmental disaster..
Dispersant from Deepwater Horizon Spill Found to Persist in the Environment

A new study has found that the dispersant compound DOSS, massively released in the environment by BP, remains associated with oil and can persist in the environment…
Four Years after BP Oil Disaster Many Lessons Remain Unlearned

The BP oil spill, often called the worst man-made environmental disaster of our time, first began four years ago today, on April 20, 2010. The oil that spewed into the Gulf was an unprecedented environmental disaster that continues to devastate local communities. It will be years before we understand the full extent of the damage…
Wildlife Still Suffers Four Years After BP Oil Spill

A report issued by the National Wildlife Federation summarized recent scientific studies on 14 different types of creatures affected by the spill.
BP Pays $41.6 Million For New Gulf Of Mexico Drilling Leases

It was the first sale, at Wednesday’s federal oil lease sale for the central Gulf of Mexico, since the government said BP PLC can again secure federal contracts; the company made $41.6 million in high bids…
Scientists Train the Next Generation on Oil Spill Research

As part of on-going research nearly four years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, scientists from the WHOI teamed up with a group of high school students in Florida to collect remnants of oil from Gulf Coast beaches.
Mechanism Of Crude Oil Heart Toxicity Revealed From Oil Spill Research

While studying the impact of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill on tuna, a research team discovered that crude oil interrupts a molecular pathway that allows fish heart cells to beat effectively. The components of the pathway are present in the hearts of most animals, including humans.
Study Links BP Oil Spill To Dolphin Deaths

US government scientists have for the first time connected the BP oil disaster to dolphin deaths in the Gulf of Mexico, in a study finding direct evidence of toxic exposure.
Spill by Daniel Beltrá – In Pictures

Spill is the first book from photographer Daniel Beltrá, who documented, 3,000ft above the Louisiana coastline, one of the world’s most destructive environmental disasters in human history: the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill.