A 7m wall has gone up on a Sydney beach: are we destroying public space to save private property? – The Guardian

“We really didn’t want to build a wall,” says Bob Orth.
But Orth is one of 10 residents of Collaroy, on Sydney’s northern beaches, who have each paid $300,000 to do just that.
And not just any wall. Construction began in December on a seven-metre-high sheer concrete structure below the residents’ properties, which overlook a beach that has become notorious for dramatic erosion every time there is a big storm.
Sea-level rise is creating ‘ghost forests’ on an American coast

In coastal North Carolina, evidence of forest die-off is everywhere. Nearly every roadside ditch I pass is lined with dead or dying trees.
California’s Pacific Coast Highway is falling into the ocean. Is this the end of the road for one of America’s most scenic drives?

The PCH’s days are numbered, Griggs said. It’s “inevitable” one day the fixes and repairs won’t be enough or will be too costly to save the highway.
Failures of Germany’s largest cliff coast sensed by seismometers

In a study carried out over more than two years, scientists were able to draw a new and surprisingly detailed picture of coastal cliff failure activity.
China’s Three Gorges Dam is one of the largest ever created. Was it worth it?

The Three Gorges Dam was designed to tame China’s longest river. But this summer’s record rains reveal its limited ability to control floods.
Global warming and illegal land reclamation add to severe floods in China

China has perennial flooding in summer but a combination of climate reasons and human behavior over decades of land reclamation and dam-building on nearby rivers, have contributed to a longer-than-usual duration and incessant rainfall in some regions.
Luxury homes in Australia are falling into the ocean due to coastal erosion

In a coastal neighborhood in Australia’s New South Wales state, luxury beachfront homes are in danger of collapsing into the ocean.
Fixed for Failure: How flood insurance keeps dangerous homes standing in SC

Flooding caused by rising tides, hurricane-force winds and rain deluges, has left a glut of damaged properties in South Carolina’s real estate market, specifically in cities along the coast.
The neglected, deteriorating and dangerous US dam infrastructure

More than 15,000 dams in the US would likely kill people if they failed, and at least 2,300 of them are in poor or unsatisfactory condition, according to new study.