Tracking the Hide-and-Seek Game Between Beaches and Tides
It is one of the marvels of the shore: the daily rhythm of the beach growing and shrinking with the changing tide. That beguiling strip of land revealed by low tide and concealed by high tide is known as the intertidal zone. It is beguiling to scientists, too.
This local beach has the best boardwalk in America
Coastal Living magazine has named New Hampshire‘s 1.3-mile “old-school” Hampton Beach boardwalk, the best in America, due to its long stretch of shops facing the water, its wide and sandy beach, and its world-famous annual sand sculpting competition.
How the Arctic Ocean became saline
The Arctic Ocean was once a gigantic freshwater lake. Only after the land bridge between Greenland and Scotland had submerged far enough did vast quantities of salt water pour in from the Atlantic.
Dr. Beach’s top 10 beaches for 2017
Here is the 2017 list of top 10 beaches in the U.S., compiled by Florida International University professor of geomorphology Stephen Leatherman, also known as Dr. Beach. Siesta Beach in Sarasota, Florida nabs top spot.
Top Beach Hazards: How to Stay Safe on the Sand
Beach hazards can vary by location and change over time. So what do you really need to be worried about? Several experts weigh in with their top picks.
Unique Sandbar Coastal Ecosystem in Cuba Calls for Climate Solutions
Just 13 wooden houses with lightweight roofs shield the few families that still live on one of the six coastal sandbars exclusive to Baracoa, a mountainous coastal municipality with striking nature reserves. These long and narrow sandbars between the river mouths and the sea have a name from the language of the Araucan people, the native people who once populated Cuba.
Spain leads the world for quality beaches
Spain safely holds onto its title as the country with the most blue-flag beaches in the world.
50 years ago, Oregon’s beach battle kept sands open to everyone
The Beach Bill gave Oregonians ownership of the state’s beaches, and that’s a rare distinction. Only Hawaii has similar protection, and our unlimited access to the beach has made the Oregon Coast a big tourist destination.
Blooming Gibraltar
At the strait’s narrowest point, Africa stands just 14 kilometers (9 miles) from Europe. But the narrow waterway is a complex environment that gives rise to striking phytoplankton blooms when conditions are right.