Anegada, British Virgin Islands – II ; By Andrew Cooper

In celebration of Coastal Care’s 10 Year Anniversary, we are republishing an acclaimed selection of the most popular Beach Of the Month contributions of the decade.
The end of the world’s most famous beaches – II ; By Orrin H. Pilkey and J. Andrew G. Cooper

In celebration of Coastal Care’s 10 Year Anniversary, we are republishing an acclaimed selection of the most popular Beach Of the Month contributions of the decade.
The islands of the Outer Hebrides, Scotland; By Andrew Cooper

The islands of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland comprise the Uists, Harris and Lewis. The isolated, rocky islands are fringed with beautiful sandy beaches that are often compared to those of the Caribbean, in appearance, but not climate! And are also famous for the unusual coastal features known as “machair” that occur there.
Anegada, British Virgin Islands; By Andrew Cooper

Anegada, the most northeasterly of the British Virgin Islands is a sandy island that sits on top of a Pleistocene reef that is now exposed above sea level.
Fire Island, NY; By Andrew Cooper

Fire Island is a barrier island that runs east to west on the southern coast of Long Island in New York.
Assawoman Island; By Andrew Cooper

Assawoman Island is in Virginia, USA on the peninsula of land between the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay.
Cedar Island, NC; By Andrew Cooper

Cedar Island, North Carolina, USA is an east – west trending island along the southern rim of Pamlico Sound.
European Bad Beach Management

A slide show of European Bad Beach Management by Andrew Cooper.