Hong Kong land reclamation explained: the good, bad and ugly methods of pushing back the sea

About 6 per cent of city is reclaimed land, and while extending the shoreline of a land-starved society seems ever more attractive, critics say it would not solve housing issues. At the same time, conservation groups such as WWF and Greenpeace say reclamation is environmentally catastrophic.
Why This Sand From Texas Is Suddenly Worth $80 a Ton

A major second wave of US fracking is about to be unleashed upon the world.
Bridge Collapse In Mangaluru: Illegal Sand Mining Takes A Very Heavy Toll; India

A bridge built in 1980 has collapsed not due to rain and floods, but due to illegal sand mining. The life of the bridge as prescribed by engineers back in 1980 was 100 years. But thanks to the sand mafia, its life has been cut by 62 years.
Illegal sand mining re-emerges in Hanoi, Vietnam

Despite last year crack down on sand dredging, illegal sand mining activities have re-started in Phúc Thọ District of Hanoi, causing much public concern.
Riddle of the sands: the truth behind stolen beaches and dredged islands

The insatiable demand of the global building boom has unleashed an illegal market in sand. Gangs are now stealing pristine beaches to order and paradise islands are being dredged and sold to the construction industry.
A wider, deeper beach awaits Ocean City vacationers, but is it safe?

Ocean City vacationers may notice deeper, wider beaches, the result of a $282 million sand-dredging project aimed at protecting the resort town from storm damage. But the work also raises concerns about surf injuries and swimmer safety.
Jobless Cape Coast youth venture into illegal beach sand winning; Ghana

The youth at Bakaano, a suburb of Cape Coast, have taken to illegal mining due to the unavailability of jobs.
Cities from the sea: the true cost of reclaimed land

Asia is growing. Literally. From Malaysia to Dubai, luxury developments are rising on artificial islands and coastlines. Everybody wins – except the local sea life and the fishermen who depend on it
It’s not just Xolobeni: What the Australian mining company did in the Western Cape; South Africa

The Australian mining company seeking the right to mine in Xolobeni in the Eastern Cape, has been lashed for its treatment of a community in the Western Cape where it has been accused of breaching its legal obligations.