Access eroding to embattled Kiawah spit, study says

The narrow neck to Captain Sam’s Spit is disappearing, survey work has indicated. The dunes there aren’t tall enough to withstand a tropical cyclone of any real strength. The findings could put a big hole in Kiawah Partners’ contention before regulators that the beach there is growing, and a road to its proposed development should be permitted.
Captain Sams Spit, Kiawah Island; By Cecelia Dailey

Since 2008, concerned citizens and environmental organizations have opposed the development of Captain Sams Spit, Kiawah Island, South Carolina.
Ex-Mayor 4-year-term jail sentence over storm deaths, overturned by French Court

Overturning the first degree of jurisdiction’s sentence of last December, the former mayor of a Vendée town has been handed by the Poitiers Court of Appeal, a two-year suspended sentence in connection with the deaths of 29 people during Storm Xynthia in 2010.
Capt. Sam’s Spit road gets court go-ahead; conservation groups plan to appeal, SC

A wall to protect a road to a controversial development on Capt. Sam’s Spit can be built, a state Administrative Law Court judge has ruled, despite an earlier state Supreme Court ruling that stopped the road along a piece of the disappearing natural coast.
Developers don’t get it: climate change means we need to retreat from the coast

It is preposterous to build in areas that are bound to flood. So why are real estate companies still doing it?
Alabama has been destroying its natural coast

From its beginning Alabama has been endowed with some of the finest natural white sand beach and dune systems in the nation, but, over time, we have preserved less, and destroyed more of this asset than any other state. We have literally “paved paradise and put up a parking lot!
How clam-diggers saved an estuary

How decisions almost a half-century ago continue to impact our natural resources. As a result of a stalled development in the 1960s, changes in the Necanicum River estuary, north of Seaside Oregon, remain evident today.
Californians Fight Over Whether Coast Should Be Rugged or Refined

The California Coastal Commission, created 45 years ago, has been one of the most powerful governmental agencies in the nation, with sweeping powers to determine what gets built, or does not get built, on the 1,100 miles of cliffs, mountains and beaches along the Pacific Ocean. It has mediated the often clashing agendas of two of the most influential forces that help to define this state: environmentalism and the drive for growth.
Beach erosion making St Clair too dangerous, New Zealand

Dunedin surfers and lifeguards are calling for urgent council action to save St Clair beach. The call comes as the city prepares to host the National Surf Championships next week. Beach erosion has been a problem at St Clair for more than a century, as waves hitting the sea wall bounce off with more energy than those washing back from a regular beach.