A Changed Coastline in Jersey

On October 29, 2012, lives were changed forever along the shores of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and in the two dozen United States affected by Superstorm Sandy. The landscape of the East Coast was also changed, though no geologist would ever use the word “forever” when referring to the shape of a barrier island.
Sampling Water for Pollution in Hurricane Sandy’s Aftermath

As recovery efforts for those impacted by Hurricane Sandy continue, U.S. G.S crews are sampling water for nutrients, sediment, and pesticides to document water quality in areas affected by the hurricane. The contaminated waters are also raising concerns among those who monitor the health of beaches and bays along the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.
Sandy Slaps Outer Banks As She Goes By

The ocean flooded neighborhoods, covered N.C. 12 and felled a pier along the Outer Banks as Hurricane Sandy went by. Hatteras Island is once again cut off from the rest of the world.
Wild Is The Wind

This week’s storm showed American crisis management at its best, yet raised questions about long-term planning.
Post Sandy: Aerial Images of VA, MD, DE and NJ (south of Atlantic City)

Aerial pictures of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey (south of Atlantic City) after superstorm Sandy devastated the areas, by PSDS / WCU.
Post Sandy: Aerial Images of North Carolina’ s coast

Aerial pictures of North Carolina’ s coast, after superstorm Sandy devastated the area. A PSDS / WCU photo gallery.
Sandy And Caribbean Devastation

Hurricane Sandy’s toll in the Caribbean amounts to at least 69 dead, thousands homeless and few funds available to rebuild. The majority of deaths and the most extensive damage fell upon Haiti, already devastated by the 2010 earthquake.
Sandy Reminds Us of Coastal Hazards, by Robert Young

Hurricane Sandy will almost certainly join the pantheon of “costliest storms in history.”The impacts of the storm have been felt as far inland as Toronto, Ontario and coastal erosion and flooding affected beaches from South Carolina to southern Massachusetts. There has been massive damage to significant segments of the New Jersey and New York coastal infrastructure.
Is Sandy a Taste of Things to Come?

We should not be surprised. The melting of Arctic ice, rising sea levels, the warming atmosphere and changes to weather patterns are a potent combination likely to produce storms and tidal surges of unprecedented intensity, according to many experts.