Overcoming Barriers
A year ago, Hurricane Sandy swept away skepticism about the use of sand dunes. But those big, protective mounds are no excuse for complacency.
Sandy: A Warning Rising Seas Threaten Nuclear Plants
No nuclear power plant in Sandy’s path was in imminent danger of a meltdown, but the force and size of the storm surge served as a warning that rising seas and higher storm surges, could eventually have a devastating effect on the seven low-lying nuclear power generating sites on the Northeast Coast in future hurricanes…
After Hurricane Sandy, One Man Tries To Stop The Reconstruction
Geologist Orrin Pilkey predicted exactly what a storm like Sandy would do to the mid-Atlantic coast and New York City. On a tour of destruction after the deluge, he and David Gessner ponder a troubling question: Why are people rebuilding, as if all this isn’t going to happen again?
The Most Striking Visualizations To Date of Hurricane Sandy, revealed
Scientists have recently developed striking visualizations of Hurricane Sandy, which devastated parts of the U.S. East Coast last year. The visualizations, created using state-of-the-art computer models at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), provide some of the most detailed looks at any hurricane to date.
After the Storms, a Different Opinion On Climate Change
Extreme weather may lead people to think more seriously about climate change, according to new research, published in Psychological Science.
Trying to Shame Dune Holdouts at Jersey Shore
Some oceanfront properties owners have refused to grant easements to allow the federal government to build a massive dune along a 50-mile stretch of the Jersey Shore. Without the protective ridge of sand, engineers predict it is only a matter of time before homes, neighborhoods, even entire communities are wiped out by rising seas.
The Beach Builders, Can the Jersey Shore be saved?
New Yorker staff writer John Seabrook discusses the effort to protect New Jersey’s beaches in an age of superstorms like last year’s Hurricane Sandy.
Hurricane Sandy Eroded Half of Fire Island’s Beaches and Dunes: New Report Quantifies Coastal Change
Beaches and dunes on Fire Island, New York, lost more than half of their pre-storm volume during Hurricane Sandy, leaving the area more vulnerable to future storms.
Task Force: More And Worse Floods Are Coming, So Prepare
A presidential task force charged with developing a strategy for rebuilding areas damaged by Superstorm Sandy has issued a report recommending 69 policy initiatives…