Seafood Safety and Policy What’s safe to eat? How can we know?

In Japan, a nation that eats prodigious amounts of seafood, one question sits high on the list of public concerns: Is seafood caught after the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe safe for human consumption?
First Confirmed Japanese Tsunami Debris in California

Federal officials say a fishing boat that washed ashore in Northern California is the first debris to reach the state that’s been confirmed as having come from the Japanese tsunami.
Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant leaking contaminated water

As much as 120 tons of radioactive water may have leaked from a storage tank at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, contaminating the surrounding ground.
Fish Near Fukushima Reportedly Contains High Cesium Level

The Japanese utility that owns the tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant says it has detected a record 740,000 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium in a fish caught close to the plant. Most fish along the Fukushima coast are barred from market.
Two Years On, America Hasn’t Learned Lessons Of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

With few new nuclear plants being built at present, America’s nuclear infrastructure continues to age and grow increasingly more accident-prone. Many plants are located along rivers or coastlines, where they face dangers from flooding. One hundred and eleven million Americans live within 50 miles of a nuclear plant.
Inside Fukushima’s Abandoned Towns, Two Years On – In Pictures

Amid growing dissatisfaction with the slow pace of recovery, Japan marks the second anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that left nearly 19,000 people dead or missing and has displaced more than 300,000.
Tsunami Aftermath, Photos Show Destruction And Recovery, Japan

The piles of rubble left behind by the receding tsunami have largely gone, but two years after nature visited its fury, some stretches of Japan’s battered northeast remain little more than ravaged wastelands.
New Fukushima Pictures Show Wreckage Of Plant

2,000 previously unseen images released by Fukushima operator Tokyo Electric Power showing the period between March 15, 2011, just four days after the tsunami struck, and April 11.
Fisheries Another Victim of Japan Tsunami

The devastating earthquake that ravaged Japan in 2011 may have also wreaked havoc on vital fisheries, researchers say.