Fossil Fuel Subsidies; the Answer Lies in the Gulf

As the slow-burn of climate change spreads across the four corners of the globe, governments are fanning the global flames by dishing out a trillion dollars of fossil fuel subsidies each year, creating a perpetual pollution-pumping machine that’s poisoning the planet with ever-greater intensity. NRDC and other NGOs are demanding that world leaders focus instead on promoting rapidly developing clean energy technologies to protect our natural resources and maintain a sustainable planet. It’s not rocket science. But there are powerful special interests standing in the way…

Gulf Spill Trial Delayed Until 2013

A trial to assign blame and damages that could total tens of billions of dollars for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill has been put off until January…

How Much is a Dolphin Worth?

Two years after the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, BP and US authorities wrangle over how much should be paid in damages