“Sand Wars” Won At The 29th Gémeaux Awards, Canada

Sand-Wars won the PRIX GEMEAUX award for Best Documentary in the Nature and Sciences category, at the Academy of Canadian and Television (ACCT).
Sylvia Earle Wants New Doc ‘Mission Blue’ To Give You Hope For Our Oceans

“Misson Blue,” a new documentary released by Netflix, follows the 78-year-old Dr. Sylvia Earle and her life as one of the country’s leading oceanographers, from her fierce defense of the sea to her charge to protect everything that lives within it.
Hawaii: Climate Wipeout

A new video series that depicts Americans living on the front lines of climate change zooms in on one of our favorite vacation spots.
Pacific Ocean Garbage Swirls Predictably, A Video

The ‘Pacific Garbage Patch’, including debris from the 2011 Japanese Tsunami, travels in seasonal patterns. Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team’s (COASST) executive director Julia Parrish explains the patterns and how her organization is helping to mitigate the problem.
“Rediscovering The Shore”

A conversation between professors and authors, Ole Mouritsen and John R. Gillis.
The Aloha Project, A Video

Ryan Moss, a lover of nature, photographer and filmmaker, reveals just how beautifully simple life on an island can be. And he wants to share that feeling with the world. And Yes, even in a world as naturally beautiful as Hawaii, it takes a conscious effort to keep it healthy and protected…
Mining For Smartphones – “Coast, Coral and Community,” A Documentary Series

A remote island of the Indonesian archipelago is being stripped off its forests and dug up for tin used in millions of mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Tin mining is taking its toll on the island’s coastline, damaging mangrove forests that help protect it from tropical storms and big waves.
Exploring Deep Sea Volcanoes off the Coast of Barbados: An Artist’s Perspective

Mary Edna Fraser, an artist known for her large-scale batiks on silk and illustrations of geology and geography, was invited on the Research Vessel Atlantis, to capture the essence of discovery as scientists mapped the seafloor.
The Lumber Boom of Coastal South Carolina

A new display at the South Carolina Maritime Museum in Georgetown called “HENRIETTA, the Largest Wooden Sailing Ship Ever Built in South Carolina,” effectively combines illustrations and illuminations to explain the huge amount of resources needed to construct the square-rigged HENRIETTA.