The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and International Law

It often takes a disaster to prompt international regulation.
PSDS scientists monitor oil spill progress
I’m not sure what is worse, the waiting for the oil or dealing with its impact.
Beneath the Surface: if only it were just a nightmare

As the tropical storm Alex raises concerns over what might happen to efforts to contain the oil if BP is forced to abandon the area for a while, forecasters have said they can’t speculate about what rough weather would do to oil in the water.
1 million times the normal level of methane gas near the Gulf oil spill

Although usually referred to as an ‘oil spill’, the leak is made up of over 40% by mass of natural gas, mostly methane, propane and ethane. Enough to potentially deplete oxygen and create a dead zone, U.S. scientists said.
France’s continued fight against toxic algae

The green algae are back on the front of the stage. Beyond their potential danger it is, this time, the costs of collection and treatment that are implicated.
Sand mining renders land erosion in Kerala

A centuries old farming village on the Kerala coastline is on the verge of being washed away by the sea.
PSDS scientists monitor oil spill progress

Scientists from the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines conducted another aerial survey of the coast zone in Louisiana on May 18, 2010.
PSDS: Lousiana Coast
PSDS research staff headed to the Louisiana coast a few days ahead of President Obama’s visit to Grand Isle. Adam Griffith was on the coast of Louisiana for two and a half days and met birders, news crews, and volunteers from various non-profit organizations.
Greenbelt Reports / TVE Asia Pacific

The Greenbelt Reports (GBR) is a multi-media, Asian regional educational project to document the conservation challenges involving mangroves, coral reefs and sand reefs – collectively called ‘greenbelts’ in recognition of their natural protective role against wave action and anticipated climate change impact.