Oral Histories Capture Impact of Eroding Louisiana Coast

As part of a two and a half year project, High School students interviewed residents from south Louisiana, about the cultural changes they’ve experienced and the coastal erosion they have witnessed. The project was designed to help raise awareness about the threat coastal erosion poses to their culture and future.

Large Dams Just Aren’t Worth the Cost

Thayer Scudder, an emeritus anthropology professor at the California Institute of Technology and the world’s leading authority on the impact of dams on poor people, describes his disillusionment with dams.

Seawall ‘Option’ Won’t Wash

Hard erosion control devices aren’t generally allowed on South Carolina beaches, and with good reason. Here’s why: Seawalls actually can accelerate erosion, often on adjacent property.

Bamboo Could Be a Savior for Climate Change, Biodiversity

The plant bamboo, and there are about 1,250 different species, has a very important role to play in environmental protection and climate change mitigation. Bamboos have very strong and extensive root systems and are amazing tools to combat soil erosion and to help with land degradation restoration.

South Goa Soil Erosion Could Be Irreparable

Locals across the coastal belt of South Goa are worried that the damage caused to the beaches due to unprecedented soil erosion will be irreparable. The high tide line will also have to be redrawn by the Goa coastal zone management authority (GCZMA).