Beach Erosion Put Resorts in Hopkins at Risk, Belize

The pristine beaches of Hopkins, on Belize eastern coast, have always attracted visitors, but recently the region’s appeal has drastically changed due to accelerated beach erosion. It has been determined that the problem was being caused by a groyne built by Hopkins Bay.

How Did Rocks End Up on the Beach? NC

State rules make it clear that sand from an ocean bottom riddled with rocks should not be pumped onto the state’s beaches during beach re-nourishment projects. Yet, a beach pumping project on the south end of this Onslow County town littered the beach with tons of rocks, some the size of basketballs. And no one stopped it.

1000 Dams Down and Counting: Dam Removal Study Reveals River Resiliency


More than 1,000 dams have been removed across the United States because of safety concerns, sediment buildup, inefficiency or having otherwise outlived usefulness. A paper published in Science Magazine finds that rivers are resilient and respond relatively quickly after a dam is removed.

Ethiopian Dam Deal Ignores Science, Warn Experts

Although the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is Africa’s biggest dam project foreseen to have lasting impacts on its longest river, the River Nile , the GERD has been developed under a veil of secrecy. The dam will impact Ethiopians and downstream neighbors. Water scientists from Egypt — the last country to benefit from the Nile before it flows into the Mediterranean Sea —fear for the security of freshwater supply.

Antigua Draws a Line in the Vanishing Sand

Jabberwock beach, located on the northeastern coast of Antigua, features a mile-long white sand beach and is a favourite with locals and visitors alike. But residents who frequent the area for exercise and other recreational activities, are worried that the beach is quickly disappearing.

Letter: Beach Erosion Lesson

The Kiawah Island developers who want legislators to change a proposed state law so that they can build on accreted beach should look at the east end of Folly Island to see the absurdity of their desire.