Why moving beach sand from Negril matters

Jamaica is suffering from beach erosion in many places because we have damaged the natural features and processes that build and maintain beaches. When you remove sand from one area of the coastline to the next, you reduce the sand budget in the source area.

El Niño Accelerating Bay Area Beach Erosion, CA

Each El Niño system that moves through the Bay Area represents an uncertain future for some people living along the coast in Pacifica, where residents say they’ve noticed a huge difference in the shoreline this winter. Typical erosion rates could double during an active El Niño year, coastal experts warn.

Fairhope continues to fight beach erosion, AL

After a major beach replenishment effort in 2014, the city of Fairhope continues to fight erosion problems. The beach near the Pier Street boat ramp is losing about 10 percent of its sand each year. For the second year in a row, tons of sand have been lost at the public beach south of Pier Street. It’s an ongoing battle with Mother Nature.

Beach erosion making St Clair too dangerous, New Zealand

Dunedin surfers and lifeguards are calling for urgent council action to save St Clair beach. The call comes as the city prepares to host the National Surf Championships next week. Beach erosion has been a problem at St Clair for more than a century, as waves hitting the sea wall bounce off with more energy than those washing back from a regular beach.

Coastal erosion needs our attention

65 acres of Massachusetts coastline is carried away every year by raging storms and rising seas. That’s not a problem unless we build a house on the beach. Today, 40 percent of the commonwealth’s 1,500-mile shoreline is residentially occupied.

Normal weather drives salt marsh erosion

Waves from moderate storms, rather than violent events such as hurricanes, inflict the most loss on coastal wetlands. Globally, salt marshes are being lost to waves, changes in land use, higher sea levels, loss of sediment from upstream dams and other factors.