Donations are needed to continue our work that has already begun:
- The publishing of a first of it’s kind educational book on world beaches;
- The costs of a full-time scientist to perform research, prepare reports and provide expertise to the various projects of the Foundation;
- The production of documentary movies with the aim to inform and educate global audiences on key beach issues from around the world;
- The maintenance of this portal website to serve as the central hub of the Foundation’s activities, and to federate the efforts of many local communities associated with the protection of beaches around the world;
- The formation of partnerships with various influental environmental communities;
- A global review of the extent of beach sand mining worldwide.
Any donations will be used for specific projects. Every year, we will publish an activity report detailing our progress, including some of the anticipated milestones.
We hope that you can help us in this very important work. We feel that tangible progress can be made within a reasonable short time frame and we can gather sufficient resolve to affect change.
All contributions are tax deductible.
Donate online with Paypal:
Or Donate by Check:
Please make checks payable to: Santa Aguila Foundation.
Mailing address:
Santa Aguila Foundation
PO Box 5006
Santa Barbara, California, 93150
Please contact us if you have specific questions!