World’s Largest Sea Turtle Nesting Beach in Peril Orissa Due to Massive Erosion

Orissa, bounded by the Bay of Bengal on the east, has a coastline of 480 km, stretching from the West Bengal border in the north to the marshes of Ichhapuram in Andhra Pradesh in the south. Photo source: ©© Pandyian


The world’s largest sea turtle nesting beach on the Orissa coast is in peril because of massive erosion over the past three years.

Wildlife activists are concerned over gradual destruction of the traditional nesting grounds of Olive Ridley sea turtles at Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary following illegal sand dredging at the Mahanadi river mouth…

Read Full Article, Dredging Today

Olive Ridley turtle in Gahirmatha of Orissa destroyed due to massive erosion, Orissa Diary News

Sea Turtles Of India
Threats to turtles in Orissa include beach erosion, non-human predation, exploitation for meat and eggs, Casuarina plantations and incidental catch in fishing gear. The local fishing communities do not generally eat turtle meat and eggs due to religious taboos.

Sea Turtles Egg Poaching Legalized In Coasta Rica: The Debate


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