Dolphin Deaths in Florida’s Red Tide Disaster Prompt Federal Investigation

Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


Federal wildlife officials are investigating dozens of dolphin deaths off Florida’s southwest coast which has been experiencing a severe red tide…

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries agency has declared the deaths an “unusual mortality event.” The declaration allows the agency to gather resources to study the ongoing deaths.

Read Full Article; Weather News (09-01-2018)

Why Florida’s red tide is killing fish, manatees, and turtles; Vox (09-02-2018)

Red tide is devastating Florida’s sea life. Are humans to blame? National Geographic (08-08-2018)
Thousands of sea creatures now litter many of southern Florida’s typically picturesque beaches. “Anything that can leave has, and anything that couldn’t leave has died…”

Worst “red tide” toxic algae bloom in years killing turtles, manatees in Florida; CBS News (08-02-2018)

What is a red tide? MNN (08-02-2018)

Toxic Algal Blooms Aren’t Just Florida’s Problem. And They’re On The Rise. Huffington Green (07-07-2016)


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