This bay in Scandinavia has world record in carbon storing

Seagrass at the waterline, Seychelles. Seagrasses are a vital part of the solution to climate change and, per unit area, seagrass meadows can store up to twice as much carbon as the world’s temperate and tropical forests. Captions and Photo source: ©© Lawrence Hislop /Unep


Forests are potent carbon sinks, but also the oceans’ seagrasses can store enormous amounts of carbon. A little bay in Denmark stores a record amount of carbon. Here is the secret…

Read Full Article, Science Daily (01-12-2017)

Seagrasses Can Store as Much Carbon as Forests, NSF (05-23-2012)
Seagrasses are a vital part of the solution to climate change and, per unit area, seagrass meadows can store up to twice as much carbon as the world’s temperate and tropical forests…

Seagrass a crucial weapon against coastal erosion; Phys.Org (06-27-2016)
Seagrass beds help prevent coastal erosion in a number of ways, including by stabilising sediment in the ocean…

Blue Carbon Initiative: Buried Treasure For Climate and Coastal Communities; UNEP (07-31-2011)
Dubbed “blue carbon” for their ability to sequester and store huge amounts of carbon, mangroves, seagrasses, and salt marshes- show great climate mitigation potential, immediately available and cost-effective, for removing greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere. The Blue Carbon Initiative program, draw the world’s attention to the crucial role of these direly threaten coastal ecosystems, in the fight against carbon emissions…


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