‘This is a 4-alarm fire’: Environmentalists to campaign against Trump’s EPA pick

Oil platforms, offshore Santa Barbara’s coast. Photograph: © SAF – Coastal Care.


Environmental advocates say they are shocked and worried after Donald Trump announced Thursday that he had selected Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, who has denied mainstream climate science, to administer his Environmental Protection Agency…

Read Full Article, AP (12-08-2016)

EPA fears ‘unprecedented disaster’ for environment over Scott Pruitt pick; Guardian UK (12-08-2016)
EPA staff have expressed nervousness over Pruitt’s nomination, given his zealous pursuit of the agency. Pruitt has fought against EPA regulations that prevent air pollution haze in national parks, methane leaks from drilling and mercury and arsenic seeping from power plants…

Trump Flunks on Protecting Health and Environment by Naming Pruitt to EPA; NRDC (12-07-2016)


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