Should this house be saved? Oregon beach home just 8 feet away from slipping into ocean

Severe coastal erosion in the Pacific Northwest, Washington state. Photograph courtesy of: ©Norma Longo.
“Cape Shoalwater, Washington is the fastest eroding stretch of land on the west coast, maybe even the entire Western Hemisphere.” —Eddie Jarvis.


A Pacific Northwest oceanfront vacation home located on Rockaway Beach, Oregon, now sits just 8 feet from the edge of the dune.

One thing could save it – setting riprap at the base of the bluff — but virtually every one of its neighbors, the city, the state and conservationists all oppose piling up a wall of boulders to deflect the waves.

Such battles are only expected to increase along the state’s 363 miles of coastline as winter storms grow more fierce, sea levels rise due to climate change and beach erosion intensifies…

Read Full Article, The Oregonian

Sea-Level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Report; AP

NRC Report: “Sea-Level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, and Future”

Washaway Beach, Cape Shoalwater; By Eddie Jarvis; (10-01-2013)
Despite its relative anonymity, Cape Shoalwater, Washington is the fastest eroding stretch of land on the west coast, maybe even the entire Western Hemisphere…

Reuters’ Water’s Edge Report Part I & Part II (09-19-2014)
Despite laws intended to curb development where rising seas pose the greatest threat, Reuters finds that government is happy to help the nation indulge in its passion for beachfront living…

Developers don’t get it: climate change means we need to retreat from the coast, Guardian UK (15-03-2016)
It is preposterous to build in areas that are bound to flood. So why are real estate companies still doing it?..

How Your Taxes Help Inflate The Value Of Coastal Properties Threatened By Climate Change; ThinkProgress (06-05-2015)

‘Nuisance Flooding’ An Increasing Problem As Coastal Sea Levels Rise, NOAA (07-28-2014)
A NOAA study looks at more than 60 years of coastal water level and local elevation data changes. Eight of the top 10 U.S. cities that have seen an increase in so-called “nuisance flooding”…

“The Beaches Are Moving,” A Video featuring Orrin Pilkey, PhD
World famous coastal geologist Orrin H. Pilkey takes us to the beach and explains why erosion has become a problem…

We Need to Retreat From the Beach, An Op Ed by Orrin H. Pilkey


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