COP21 Climate Marches in Paris Not Authorised

Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


Marches planned on 29 November and 12 December during the COP21 international climate talks in Paris will not be authorised for security reasons, the French government said on Wednesday.

In reaction to the announcement of the non-authorisation of the climate march ahead of the Paris Climate Summit and mobilisations scheduled at the end of COP 21 Jean François Julliard, Executive Director of Greenpeace France, said:

“The French authorities say they cannot guarantee safety at the march, and so it will not happen. This is a source of huge regret, but we must respect the decision. Huge numbers were expected in Paris, but those people will not be silenced.

We will find new, imaginative ways to ensure our voices are heard in the UN conference centre and beyond. And in hundreds of towns and cities across the world people will still march for the climate, for Paris and for our shared humanity…”

“COP21 climate marches in Paris not authorised following attacks,” Guardian UK

Climate march and mobilisation cancelled in Paris – Greenpeace response, Greenpeace

Photo source: ©© Tom Whitten


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