Will Pacific Island Nations Disappear as Seas Rise?

Rising sea, Maldives. Photo courtesy of: © Denis Delestrac


It’s a question that leaders of Pacific Island states have been asking for decades. As a warming climate drives sea levels upward, low-lying island nations face an uncertain future—or no future at all, say these leaders, who warn of their nations’ imminent disappearance…

Read Full Article, National Geographic

If an island state vanishes, is it still a nation?

Read Full Article: “Borrowed Time on Disappearing Land,” The New York Times (03-29-2014)
As the world’s top scientists meet in Yokohama, Japan, this week, at the top of the agenda is the prediction that global sea levels could rise as much as three feet by 2100. Higher seas and warmer weather will cause profound changes…

VIDEO: Kiribati Conference: Voices From the South Pacific – Part II (11-19-2010)

Sinking Sundarbans: A Photo Gallery by Peter Caton / Greenpeace (11-23-2010)


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