Our Unequal Earth: how environmental injustice divides the world

Photo source: ©© Angela AlaskaTeacher


Environmental justice reporter, Nina Lakhani, asked five luminaries of the movement to explain ‘environmental justice’ in their own words. They reveal why, alongside global heating and the extinction crisis, it is one of the most pressing issues of our time…

Read Full Article; Guardian UK (10-21-2019)

Climate gentrification: the rich can afford to move – what about the poor?; Guardian UK (09-25-2018)
While wealthy Arizonans flee the desert for cooler climes, ‘climate gentrification’ is also affecting hipster Red Hook, exposed on New York City’s floodplain. In Texas, campaigners want the oil industry to help pay for a coastal barrier to shield six counties from storm surges. And Molly Peterson asks what you can do if you buy a disaster-prone property and nobody warned you: so far, not much…

Climate change to shrink economies of rich, poor, hot and cold countries alike unless Paris Agreement holds; Science Daily (08-19-2019)
Detrimental economic effects of global warming are likely to go beyond those being discussed in policy circles — particularly for wealthier nations, say researchers. Study suggests that 7% of global GDP will disappear by 2100 as a result of business-as-usual carbon emissions…

Climate Change Could Create 100 million Poor, Over Half a Billion Homeless; CNN (11-09-2015)

New government report reveals staggering economic and health toll of climate change; CBS News (11-23-2018)
Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, according to a long-awaited report released Friday by the federal government…

Premature Deaths from Environmental Degradation Threat to Global Public Health, UNEP Report Says; UNEP- Nairobi, 23 May 2016

Human rights are at threat from climate change, but can also provide solutions; UNEP (10-04-2019)


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