Your favorite beaches around the world could disappear because of the climate crisis, development

It’s easy to see why millions of people flock to the beach every year. They are dynamic places. With each crashing wave and changing tide, billions of pieces of sand and rock are constantly rearranged. This is what nature intended. What it did not, some scientists say, are the buildings that tower over some of the world’s most popular beaches.
Why Rising Acidification Poses a Special Peril for Warming Arctic Waters

A recent Northern voyage on a Norwegian research vessel highlighted how soaring carbon dioxide levels and the resulting acidification of the oceans present an especially grave threat to the Arctic’s cold seas and the rich marine life that they harbor.
‘Sand wars’: the battle to replenish Florida’s beaches amid climate crisis

Surfside’s postcard beach is experiencing a disappearing act amid hurricanes. rising sea levels – and a worldwide sand shortage