Why don’t U.S. nuclear regulators acknowledge the dangers of climate change?

PG&E’s Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, in background. California. California’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant will close by 2025 under an accord ending three decades of safety debates that helped fuel the national anti-nuclear power movement. Photo source: ©© Mike Baird


When America’s fleet of nuclear reactors was designed some four-plus decades ago, few people had ever heard the phrase “climate change.” Today, the global threats of worsening weather patterns and natural disasters are well recognized, commanding concern and responses across the board. Except, apparently, at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission…

Read Full Article; The Washington Post (03-14-2019)

Why We Build Nuclear Power Stations in Earthquake Zones? (03-2011)
If more Fukushimas are to be avoided, we have to start by understanding the real risk of risk.

As Sea Levels Rise, Are Coastal Nuclear Plants Ready? National Geographic (12-16-2015)
Safety concerns have stoked opposition to nuclear. Reactors can’t operate safely without uninterrupted power and vast amounts of cool water, which is why they’re often located near coastlines, rivers, and lakes…

How Rising Seas Could Sink Nuclear Plants On The East Coast, Huffington Post (05-21-2014)

East coast earthquake reveals faults in nuclear emergency planning; Guardian UK (08-24-2011)
The largest earthquake to hit the East Coast of the United States in 67 years reveals faults in nuclear emergency planning raising added concerns about the safety of the country’s nuclear power plants…

Japan Underestimated Tsunami Hazard For Nuclear Sites, UN Experts Find; UN News Centre (06-02-2011)


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