Alarm over failure to deal with Solomon Islands oil spill threat

Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


The environmental damage from an oil spill in the Solomon Islands has been worsened by a bauxite mining company’s continued loading operations near the site where a $30m bulk carrier went aground last month…

Alarm over failure to deal with Solomon Islands oil spill threat; Guardian UK (02-28-2019)

Environmental disaster looms at heritage-listed Solomon Islands site after oil spill; ABC Australia (02-25-2019)
Bulk carrier MV Solomon Trader ran aground on a reef on the remote island of Rennell in the south of the Solomon Islands in early February while attemtping to load bauxite from a nearby mine.The spill is not contained, and bad weather from Cyclone Oma in early February prevented earlier attempts to assess the vessel and the damage to the environment. An assessment by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority has estimated that 60 tonnes of oil has been spilled with a further 600 tonnes onboard the ship…


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