Powerful winter storms show damage high tides with sea level rise can do

With two powerful storms generating record high tides that inundated parts of the Atlantic Coast just weeks apart—and a third nor’easter on its way—environmental advocates are urging greater efforts to address climate change and adapt cities to sea level rise.
Stop The Trump Administration’s Offshore Drilling Assault: A NRDC Petition

The Trump administration has released a disastrous proposal to auction off huge swaths of America’s oceans for oil and gas drilling — endangering our marine life and coastal communities with the risk of catastrophic oil spills, and threatening coastal jobs and economies.
Sand: the new gold

This is one of the most consumed natural resources in the world. In cambodia, its mining as lead to an environmental catastrophe, while in singapore sand has contributed to 24% of the island’s expansion.
Patterns and projections of high tide flooding along the US coastline using common impact threshold

For forecasting purposes to ensure public safety, NOAA has established three coastal flood severity thresholds. The thresholds are based upon water level heights empirically calibrated to NOAA tide gauge measurements from years of impact monitoring by its Weather Forecast Offices (WFO) and emergency managers.