Sea level rise threatens to wipe out West Coast wetlands

Rising seas will drown most wetlands on the U.S. West Coast in less than a century, a new study led by the U.S. Geological Survey warns. In many areas, the wetlands won’t be able to migrate inland without help.
Work to clean up leaking oil off Summerland starts Monday, CA

After years of community pressure, one of the big polluting wells off the Summerlamd coast in California, will be capped in a project that starts next week.
Arctic temperatures soar 45 degrees above normal, flooded by extremely mild air on all sides

On Monday and Tuesday, the northernmost weather station in the world, Cape Morris Jesup at the northern tip of Greenland, experienced more than 24 hours of temperatures above freezing according to the Danish Meteorological Institute.
Ocean Refuge the Size of Great Britain Announced

The government of the Seychelles has created two new marine protected areas in the country’s remote Indian Ocean archipelago. The sanctioned areas will cover more than 81,000 square miles—a swath of space about the size of Great Britain.