Drones confirm importance of Costa Rican waters for sea turtles

Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs during mass-nesting events at Ostional National Wildlife Refuge on Costa Rica’s Pacific coast, making it one of the most important nesting beaches in the world…

A new drone-enabled population survey – the first ever on sea turtles – shows that larger-than-anticipated numbers of turtles aggregate in waters off Costa Rica’s Ostional National Wildlife Refuge. Scientists estimate turtle densities may reach up to 2,086 animals per square kilometer. The study underscores the importance of the Ostional habitat; it also confirms that drones are a reliable tool for surveying sea turtle abundance…

Read Full Article, Science Daily

Sea Turtle Egg Poaching Legalized in Costa Rica: The Debate, Coastal Care (07-29-2011)

Stealing Turtle Eggs Got People Shot, But The Thievery Continues; National Geographic Video (12-08-2015)

Saving Mexico’s endangered sea turtles will be good for tourism too, Huffington Green (10-27-2016)

Largest Turtle Breeding Colony in the Atlantic Discovered; Science Daily (06-04-2015)
A huge ground survey covering nearly 600 km of Gabon’s coastline has uncovered the largest breeding colony of olive ridley turtles in the Atlantic…

Rising temperatures turning major sea turtle population female; Science Daily (01-11-2018)


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