25 of Africa’s best beaches

From the wind-tickled shores of the Seychelles to the haunting, seal-dappled coast of Namibia, the continent’s sandy fringe is varied and dramatic. Here’s a small sample of Africa’s best beaches.
Why Japan’s coastal zones might be disappearing due to climate change

Climate change can cause a range of effects on coastal environments, such as a decrease in sediment supply, changes in the intensity and frequency of extreme events, and changes in sea levels and wave climate. The estimation of changes due to climate change is a major issue for future coastal management decisions.
Heritage at Risk: How Rising Seas Threaten Ancient Coastal Ruins

The shores of Scotland’s Orkney Islands are dotted with ruins that date to the Stone Age. But after enduring for millennia, these archaeological sites – along with many others from Easter Island to Jamestown – are facing an existential threat from climate change.