Sea shells: A new source of sustainable biomaterials
Over 7 million tons of mollusc shells are discarded by the seafood industry each year as unwanted waste, and the vast majority of these shells are either thrown in landfills or dumped at sea. Researchers are looking at environmentally and economically sustainable options for these biomaterials.
Forgotten archives reveal street-level impact of 1918 Puerto Rico earthquake and tsunami
Repair petitions filed in the wake of the 1918 Puerto Rico earthquake and tsunami, stored and forgotten in the San Juan archives for nearly 100 years, are giving scientists a house-by-house look at the damage wrought by the magnitude 7.3 event.
Trump’s alarming environmental rollback: what’s been scrapped so far
Since January, the White House, Congress and EPA have engineered a dizzying reversal of regulations designed to protect the environment and public health.