Climate Progress, With or Without Trump

Photo source: ©© Nebojsa Mladjenovic


President Trump’s unfortunate and misguided rollback of environmental protections has led to a depressing and widespread belief that the United States can no longer meet its commitment under the Paris climate change agreement. But here’s the good news: It’s wrong…

Read Full Article, The New York Times (03-31-2017)

Companies to keep promise to Obama on reducing carbon use; Bloomberg (03-28-2017)
Many of America’s biggest corporations including Apple Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. are sticking by their pledges to fight climate change even as President Donald Trump guts his predecessor’s environmental policies. Companies say their promises, coordinated by the Obama administration, reflect their push to cut energy costs, head off activist pressure and address a risk to their bottom line in the decades to come.

Trump scraps Clean Power Plan: What that means for Earth, CBS News (03-28-2017)


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