Greenpeace images show Great Barrier Reef suffering coral bleaching for second year in a row
Greenpeace Australia Pacific today releases shocking photos and footage documenting the Great Barrier Reef’s first severe coral bleaching to happen two years in a row. The bleaching is the result of 12 months of above-average sea temperatures, which is “cooking the reef alive”.
Land reclamation has harmed marine life: Survey
Survey shows that land reclamation has adverse effects on coral reefs and fish quantity has decreased in the last five years in the coastal areas of Doha, Quatar.
Carbon Dioxide Is Warming the Planet: Here’s How
Here’s a primer explaining exactly why scientists know the climate is changing and that human activities are causing it.
Dying robots and failing hope: Fukushima clean-up falters six years after tsunami
Exploration work inside the nuclear plant’s failed reactors has barely begun, with the scale of the task described as almost beyond comprehension.
Earth’s oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating
New research has convincingly quantified how much the Earth has warmed over the past 56 years. A paper just published today in Science Advances uses a new strategy to improve upon our understanding of ocean heating to estimate the total global warming from 1960 to 2015.