Station Obama in Antarctica Will Continue Monitoring Climate Changes

Photo source: ©© Benjamin Dumas


Researchers studying the West Antarctic Peninsula marine ecosystem will recognize President Obama’s efforts to combat global warming by collecting climate data at an oceanographic station they named for the 44th president.

Soon after Obama departs the Oval Office, the scientists, who are on a five-week expedition aboard the U.S. icebreaker Laurence M. Gould, will stop at Ocean Station Obama, located at 68°11 South, 69°58 West in Antarctica’s Marguerite Bay…

Read Full Article: “Antarctic Scientists Honor Obama by Collecting Climate Data,” Columbia University (01-20-2017)

Station Obama in Antarctica Will Continue Monitoring Climate Changes, LiveScience (01-20-2017)
Eight years ago on Friday, scientists named a climate monitoring location in a desolate bay off the Antarctic Peninsula after the 44th president to mark his inauguration.Now they’re returning to the site in the next few days as part of a five-week research cruise underway in the Southern Ocean and plan to make it an annual visit. The data they collect at Station Obama shows how climate change is altering one of the most fragile places on the planet from melting ice to massive ecosystem changes.The station will help ensure Obama’s climate legacy will live on…


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