The agony of Earth’s hottest year

Abandoned home near the coast of Shishmaref. Homes, water system and infrastructure in Shishmaref are being destroyed by a rising tide, to the point where homes are being abandoned as they literally fall into the ocean. Residents can do nothing to stop the water as it approaches their homes.Captions And Photo source: ©© Lawrence Hislop / UNEP


Globally, 2016 is expected to be the hottest on record — breaking the record set in 2015, which broke the record from the year before that.

In all, scientists say humans have warmed the planet about 1 degree Celsius since around the time of the Industrial Revolution. This heat, which we’re causing by burning fossil fuels and trapping warmth in the atmosphere, is contributing to a host of dangerous weather around the world…

Read Full Article, CNN (12-29-2016)

The Arctic is showing stunning winter warmth, and these scientists think they know why; The Washington Post (12-29-2016)


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