Drive along the Gulf Island National Seashore, florida. Photo source: ©© Chapstickaddict
The goal of the $10.85 million project, which began earlier in October, is to clean decades of debris from blacktopped roads and parking lots eroded by tropical storms and hurricanes.
This work to remove small asphalt chunks from miles of gleaming white beachfront is expected to take years…
Read Full Article; PNJ (10-25-2016)
Coal-Tar-Sealant Runoff Causes Toxicity and DNA Damage; USGS (04-14-2015)
Runoff from pavement with coal-tar-based sealant is toxic to aquatic life, damages DNA, and impairs DNA repair, according to two studies by the U.S. G.S. Pavement sealant is a black liquid sprayed or painted on the asphalt pavement of parking lots, driveways and playgrounds to improve appearance and protect the underlying asphalt.